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1. Forming New Habits

Now that you've made it past the first year with the baby, it's time to focus on forming new habits for the family. The most significant change during this time is that the baby will be transitioning from mostly breastmilk to more regular foods.

Refrigerator Menu

Hopefully, by now, the decision has been made to provide the baby with as many healthy, traditionally prepared foods as possible. Assuming this is the case, it is time to finally put into practice all of the techniques, recipes, and habits that you've been reading about.
Keeping a list of action items to be completed in the kitchen is quite helpful. An excellent tool is a kitchen planning dry-erase board on the refrigerator.
When consistently providing the baby (and the rest of the family) with traditionally prepared foods, planning and staying organized is necessary. This means finally cleaning out the pantry and stocking it with staple items, acquiring or upgrading specific kitchen tools or appliances, and planning meals. Many traditionally prepared meals take two to three days to plan.

2. Carbs for Kids

Our children have a limitless supply of energy. Because they are growing so fast and staying so active, it is more critical than ever to provide them with high-quality fuel to burn in their metabolic fires.
High-quality carbohydrates are critical to this equation, so take the time to learn how to prepare them properly. The recipes below offer a great start for learning how to traditionally prepare carb-dense foods that are perfect for your little one.

Carbs for Kids Recipes:


3. Sugar - A Hidden Enemy


There are two main reasons to be skeptical of packaged foods for your little one.​

  • Sugar is in everything! Companies that make packaged foods have learned that sugar, even when you don't taste it, makes products more addictive and tasty. Food labels misrepresent the sugar content in many ways, so it's time to learn how to decipher the coded secret language on labels.

  • Packaged food is sterilized, pasteurized, and neutralized. Even when the food doesn't add sugar (think baby food smoothie packs), the fruit and vegetable ingredients are so highly processed that the body responds like sugar. For example, when you take a perfectly healthy fruit and yogurt smoothie and pasteurize it, it loses most of the nutritional benefit and becomes junk food for your little one. No matter how many promises food companies may make, there is no way around this fact.

I know as well as anyone how tempting it can be to throw a few fun-looking kids' items into your cart at the supermarket. They promise an easy solution to your hungry kid problem, and they have every health term under the sun backing up their claim that this food is okay—but I am telling you it is NOT.


With the very rare exception, supermarket snacks and food items should be avoided at all costs. Not only is sugar in nearly every kid's item but the flour and fats used are wholly unacceptable and have no place in a child's belly.


  • Very few packaged food products have properly prepared flours or grains (only one that I am aware of—Jovial Foods Products), and if they do, they likely use cheap oil as a substitute for natural fats like butter.

  • Nearly all packaged food products use the cheapest oil or fat available. Even when a seemingly decent fat like butter is in a packaged product, it is butter of the lowest quality. I cannot count how many times I have asked a chef or company representative where they source their ingredients, and their answer is Sysco Food Corporation. Ugh!

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